Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You may find answers to your questions here. If not, just drop us a line using the contact button.


What's with the Red Boar?

The Red Boar is the principal image on the coat-of-arms of the Irish O'Malley clan. It indicates their ferocity in battle. Duane Porter wrote an Irish Trilogy for kids with the main character Molly O'Malley, so it seemed reasonable to tie in with his history and heritage here.

What does your company do?

We started primarily to support the Beehive game designed and developed by Duane Porter. However, a lot of art and design work went into both it and the chess boards at our sister site, Red Boar Studios provides a platform to explore many of these related creations in the future.

Since our start, we have created or embellished several more games. Check them out on our games menu!

Over time, we have also folded our publishing entity, Buried Treasure Publishing under the Red Boar Studios umbrella. Select Books on the menu to see... well, the books.